Boutique Hotels

Restaurant review: With a new name and focus, Augie’s Tavern at the Edgewater looks forward “Since the remodel of the Edgewater hotel a few years…

The Statehouse, the Edgewater’s signature restaurant, is quite different than it was a few short months ago, and it would be remiss to write this…

EAT. DRINK. LOVE! Whether you’re looking for a night on the town, or a casual night with a great sunset, The Edgewater has what…

The Edgewater Wedding Experience. We are VERY honored to announce that The Edgewater was voted Best Wedding-Night Hotel in Wisconsin Bride Magazine, BEST OF…

Photos Courtesy of Amber Arnold of Wisconsin State Journal If You Build It, They Will Come- to The Edgewater! Check out this article in the…

Hotel Guru your Madison stay experience! Check out The Hotel Guru’s article on the best places to stay across the state of Wisconsin. The…

Learn how Madison’s Best Luxury Hotel Delivers an Exceptional Stay You want a unique, upscale hotel experience next time you travel. Searching online, you find…